In the depths of ancient history, amid the mist-covered hills of Shimla, unfolds a tale of vengeance, hidden secrets, and a relentless hunt. The Hateful Hunt, a gripping web novel by Gautam Kumar, follows Giri Kamat, a young boy who, after witnessing the brutal murder of his father, sets out on a dangerous journey into the cursed Mayavi Jungle.
Giri, alongside a determined band of companions, ventures into the unknown, where treachery and supernatural forces lurk at every turn. Their mission is fraught with peril, as the jungle’s secrets threaten to consume them, and every step forward pulls them deeper into a web of mystery and danger.
This story, presented in parts on the Meed Monk website, will test their courage, shatter their beliefs, and push them to the brink. The stakes are high, the dangers real, and the outcome uncertain. The hunt has begun, and nothing will ever be the same again.
Whole Story Parts for The Hateful Hunt:
- Part 1: Death and Destiny – The Hateful HuntIn Part 1 of The Hateful Hunt, young Giri Kamat witnesses his father Awdhesh’s funeral pyre, sparking his resolve for a dangerous quest into the cursed Mayavi Jungle.
- Part 2: Ruthless Fury, Desperate Escape: Unraveling the Mayavi Jungle’s Dark SecretsIn this episode, King Rudra Pratap’s ruthless search for ancient mantras drives him to fury. Giri, the monk’s son, escapes to Nainital, beginning his intense training to fulfill his father’s legacy. Alongside new friends, he prepares for the dangerous quest to unlock the Mayavi Jungle’s dark secrets.
Welcome to “The Hateful Hunt,” a tale woven from the threads of mystery, legacy, and vengeance. Set against the backdrop of colonial India, this story follows the harrowing journey of Giri Kamat, a young boy thrust into a world of dark secrets and ancient powers. With the death of his father, Awdhesh Kamat, Giri embarks on a quest that will test his courage, challenge his beliefs, and lead him deep into the heart of the Mayavi Jungle—a place where demons and witches guard a treasure that could change the fate of an entire people. As you delve into this saga, prepare yourself for a gripping adventure filled with twists, betrayals, and an unyielding search for truth.
Web Novel/Fiction Disclaimer
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The story is set in a historical context, but the events and characters are entirely fictional and should not be taken as a representation of real historical events.
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